6,90 €
6,90 €

Cultivation Mode

This flower is grown indoors. This method of cultivation is a technique that consists of growing plants indoors (especially the Sativa variety). The idea of ​​this culture is to create a perfect environment, so that the plant can grow in the best possible conditions. Producers can control: artificial lights, humidity, CO2 supply, temperature, etc...
It therefore makes it possible to follow the evolution of the plant from creation to flowering.

Flavor and Dominance

The flower Amnesia Haze, has slight hints of sesame, which goes well with its bitter notes.

The dominant of this flower is the Sativa!
The Sativa variety is generally produced in Indoors, they can reach up to 5m in height once in flower.

This variety is known for its energizing, stimulating effect, it would promote brain activity and creativity. It is advisable to take this variety rather during the day than in the evening.

Consumption and conservation

It can be consumed as an infusion or vaporized.

Consumption advice:
In infusion, all you have to do is infuse your CBD plant in a fatty substance or in a hot drinkable liquid.

It is important to keep your CBD at room temperature, in a dark place in order to preserve its cannabinoid level.

THC/CBD level

In France, it is forbidden to market a plant higher than 0.2% THC. Amnesia Haze contains 0.06% THC, and around 2.4% CBD.